This was about a month ago, but in soutern california, usa the did something with the genes that made it so you could live _upto_ 800 years old.
I mean whether you are for it or against it, what would you do?
I mean i am for it because i would love to flying cars, new-technology and stuff. :-)
Well for those against it, which i do not know why you wouldn't go for it, why wouldn't you?
Try googling "live to 800 years".
But for scientist people, could you please explain what the side-effects are? and what would i look like? would i be wrinkly?
If it were possible what would you do? seriously?
Live to 800 Years old?
there are pros and cons to this.
i guess hte bad thing about this is that we were made to die sometime. it's 'destiny'. we shouldnt change how we are made to be.
im not religious but i believe we shouldnt do this.
bu ton the other hand, i'd like to try it. we'd be able to learn so much more and fulfill our lives.
Live to 800 Years old?
I want to keep all of my teeth - and nothing go south (no Swiffer body, thanks.) Eight hundred years of sagging flesh and toothlessness would be downright depressing - they would have to dare me to not contact Dr. Kevorkian via seance to put me out of my decrepid misery. Have a healthy and happy leap year!
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