Friday, December 25, 2009

Adam and eve can live 1,000 years but today humans can live only 100 years, can humans now live long

Can humans now live longer because they have accepted Jesus as their God and they are also less evil as those in the garden?

Believers told me Adam and eve could live long because they were the first humans and the next generation had more evil in them and that was why their life was shorter and shorter until modern times where now almost 70% are Christians now so they are less evil being than anyone in history.

If humans are really less evil then this means humans should be able to live longer life spans. If God is real, only if real then humans should reverse life span back to 1,000 years.

Yeah, that is the time where Jesus is suppose to come back to rule over humans for 1,000 years. If humans died within that 1,000 years then Jesus would have a much easier time to bring them up to heaven and then live for eternity.

Religions are kind of funny but this question is serious.

Adam and eve can live 1,000 years but today humans can live only 100 years, can humans now live longer?

Because it's a fairy tale. Just like Jack climbing a beanstalk to the clouds, just like the Big Bad Wolf blowing down the pigs' house, all the stories in the bible were born out of the imaginations of the people who wrote those stories at the time. Think about it. Noahs' Ark? Parting of the Red Sea? People living to be 1,000 years old even though they had no advanced medicine, etc. All that magic and sorcery that went on back in those days that we don't see today in this age of advanced technology (advanced compared to what was), it should be pretty obvious it's a fairy tale.

Adam and eve can live 1,000 years but today humans can live only 100 years, can humans now live longer?

WHo in the heck would WANT to live that long? Think of it. You would need to work for many more years.

Adam and eve can live 1,000 years but today humans can live only 100 years, can humans now live longer?

After the flood, God told Noah that mankind would be limited to about 120 years or so. So, no more 1,000 year old people.

Adam and eve can live 1,000 years but today humans can live only 100 years, can humans now live longer?

It should be noted that there is no evidence of a long life span in any prehistoric human remains. If anything the evidence points to a gradual increase in lifespans over the last 10,000+ years. This is yet another reason why the Bible is a complete myth.

Adam and eve can live 1,000 years but today humans can live only 100 years, can humans now live longer?

OMG what are they teaching these people in these churches. It is sickening. do these people even realize how judgmental they are being. What religion is good if it condemns everyone else. Please people start thinking with your head. not with everybody Else's.

Adam and eve can live 1,000 years but today humans can live only 100 years, can humans now live longer?

READ THE BIBLE!! After the great flood, God said that man will only be able to live 120 years. And he also told Noah that man can eat animals. Before the flood people were only to eat plants, fruits and veges. God changed some laws after the flood. He has His reasons.

Adam and eve can live 1,000 years but today humans can live only 100 years, can humans now live longer?

I have a theory on this one...

have you ever thought that years could be substituted as months?

divide 1,000 by 12. and you get 83 and some change right?

perhaps, in the whole translating from Hebrew thing, someone slipped... Hey! I'ts plausible... We are only human you know....

Adam and eve can live 1,000 years but today humans can live only 100 years, can humans now live longer?

Japan and a good chunk of Western Europe passed the Christian US in life expectancy years ago. So, I doubt it.

Adam and eve can live 1,000 years but today humans can live only 100 years, can humans now live longer?

Actually, first man and woman was intended to live forever......until they disobeyed God!

Adam and eve can live 1,000 years but today humans can live only 100 years, can humans now live longer?

first off, only 32.8% of the world population is christian, not 705 as you said.

Next, the 1000 years you take about are actually months (moons). in the era that the myth of Adam %26amp; Eve was created people used a lunar calendar. They esentially counted moons not years.

as far as lifespans go. during that same time period life expectency was about 28 years, far les than it is curently.

Finally, Adam %26amp; Eve is a MYTH.

Adam and eve can live 1,000 years but today humans can live only 100 years, can humans now live longer?

In the garden of Eden, the environment was perfect, the food was perfect and there was no evil no sickness or diseases.

Mankind was spiritually alive.

After man sinned, everything changed and the bible tells us that God shortened the life span of man. Genesis 6:3 Then the Lord said, My Spirit shall not forever dwell and strive with man, for he also is flesh; but his days shall yet be 120 years.

Once evil was in the world, there was sickness and diseases which further shortened man's lifespan.

Adam and eve can live 1,000 years but today humans can live only 100 years, can humans now live longer?


humans are allotted 120 yr's

sometimes they live longer

genetics's and how they live play a major part

Adam and eve can live 1,000 years but today humans can live only 100 years, can humans now live longer?

Belief in Jesus Christ won't change a thing - except makes things go from bad to worse... being an erroraneous belief...

Anyway - if you wish to know more information about the aging thing, and how it will be possible to fix it, via our DNA (that our lifespans were shortened deliberately) ...

then seek out the

"The 251st Contact Notes" by Billy Meier and the Plejarens. You should be able to locate the full text somewhere on the Internet...? Try first...

It goes into considerable detail about the history of the Earth, etc etc.

Adam and eve can live 1,000 years but today humans can live only 100 years, can humans now live longer?

At the end of the chromosome is a non-coding region call the telomere. With each replication of the chromosme (i.e mitoses) part of the telomere drops off. Enough replications and you run out of telemere and then your start to lose coding portions of the gene needed to support cellular functions. As result cells have a definite limit to the number of times they can reproduce.

Theoretically it might be possible for the telomere to be replenished and extend the possible number of replications. If one believes the tree of life was a literal tree producing fruit, it is not unreasonable to belive some compound in that fruit acted in this very way resulting in extened life span. Over generations without this compound the telomere would shrink and lifespans would shorten.

Environmental changes that would likely have happened in the case of a global catastrophy would make life more difficult, and likley result in more strain and stress on the body. This in turn would result in more rapid turn over of cells shortening life even more.

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