Monday, December 28, 2009

Do you want to live with the atheists as your only hope........?

That alone is live and believe that there is NOONE OUT THERE...that you are totally alone.... Do you want to think that way ? or live that way ? What if you get sick ? Do you want your only help to be their " happy thoughts " they send to you when trouble hits ur life ? Their happy thoughts wont get you anymore than a Sesame Street mental thing where you deceive urself into thinking you will " will " ur way out of it. They say, " live for the moment "..then why do most of them that I know live angry, depressed, vengeful ? Read back on my questions and you will see the nastiest things said by them. They will be on this question 2... Is that what you want to live and die with ? No hope and Elmo happy thoughts ? Or how about a real and living God...? I saw Him...Jesus...he healed me of cancer and sadness and saved my life...

Do you want to live with the atheists as your only hope........?

Well, I'm atheist and I have lots of hope. I have some fear for the future of humanity, since it seems a huge number of people would prefer a return to the dark ages when all governments were theocratic and holy wars were common. But I think even a few clear thinking people can turn that tide.

By the way, there do seem to be some pretty mean spirited people hear claiming to be atheists, but all of the atheists I know personally and most of the atheists that write answers here are in my experience decent and compassionate.

Do you want to live with the atheists as your only hope........?

Yes. I'm quite happy being Atheist. You, my dear seem like the hopeless depressed one here.

Do you want to live with the atheists as your only hope........?

An atheist is nobody's hope. An atheist teaches you that YOU are your hope.

Do you want to live with the atheists as your only hope........?

We are not alone. First the universe is filled with life of all kinds. We are one voice in a concert of life. Also, here on Earth. We have never been alone, we have always had each other.

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