I appreciate if anybody could give me a gestimate of how much it costs to hire a live-in babysitter in a big city like Boston. I have heard two stories: 1) the live-in price is not that much different from live-out price2) the live-in price is usually very low , say one-fourth of that of live-out.
Approximate rate for live-in babysitting in Boston?
If you live in the city in one of those nice luxury apartment i recommend a trustworthy and kind baby sitter probably pay her $24.50 to $30 an hour. If you live outside the city or in the suburban area then you can find a friend's daughter and hire her for cheap. Remember don't put a price on your kids well-being and security.
Major City's Rate:
$12/ hour for one maybe if your lucky two.
+$5 extra an hour for each addition child.
Approximate rate for live-in babysitting in Boston?
My Rates
1-2 kids ~ $5.00/hour
Each additional child ~ $1.25/hour
*When you are babysitting a baby under 10 months old, you should ask to be paid a bit more than your regular charge, since you must give more attention, change the baby, feed the baby, and put the baby to bed.
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