Friday, December 25, 2009

XBOX live-why?

why do we need xbox live. all it does is make us play play play until we can't play no more. trust me, no offense. a lot of people look to play with people online everyday, especially after school, and then a couple months later people get report cards and they wonder why they fail, because they play to much on xbox live. that's why i'm on honor roll because i don't have it.

some people think it's torture to not have live, but it's not YOU AT LEAST HAVE THE SYSTEM. think about it, if you have friends who live by you who have 360's go over there have fun and play multiplayer. don't sit around being a goddamn idiot in your pajama's playing games, being a pig, and turning all fat.

i know it sounds like i'm being harsh, but the world would be better if we can go to our friends house and play than sit in the dark all day being lonesome and bored with other people who are just talking through a computer, i mean come on, at least get out of the house once in a while to play.

no offense!!

XBOX live-why?

well you know most people like a challange and online they can get one because thare is always someone better than that person, and don't attack the gamer nation because it not our falt that we PWN, people have there reasons so back of and chill, try it and see how you feel and if your lucky and you get good come get PWND by me

XBOX live-why?

there is something wrong with you it seems you are mad that you dont have one and dont be so rotten im an honor roll student and i have live. so its not always like that!

XBOX live-why?

bcuz its entertaining an gives ppl something to do , its a destressatizer for many ppl

i dont hav a 360 yet but i go to my friends house an we play live their an usually play for like a day or two lol

its fun tho .

it makes life go by a lil better for some ppl .

XBOX live-why?

You have a point but xbox live still kicks ***

XBOX live-why?

don,t be stupid and learn how to spell

XBOX live-why?

because its fun you can play with your freinds or meet some new freinds

you can improve your skills and help you realize your not as good as you think

plus you can talk to people and you have a profile and stuff and you have a reputation on the line each game which makes it insane and intense

XBOX live-why?

Maybe we should get rid of the Internet also, TVs ., and sowing machines,, My point is if someone can't control themselves , it don' make it the worlds fault! You will realize this once you hit the real world! (after high school..) and let go of the tight clench you have on mommies thigh!

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