Sunday, December 6, 2009

Windows Live Call- another question:?

recently had to upgrade from MSN 7.5 to Windows Live Messenger. Everytime I log in, a Norton Security box says that "Live Call is attempting to do something.. yada yada". The "recommended" action is to have it automatically create firewall rules. However, it always keeps coming up when I sign in.

Can I just get rid of Live Call? I hate it, and I don't want it to come up anymore. If I say "Block this program from all ports", will that "delete" the program? Will it haveany affects on other programs?

I have tried deleting and reinstalling WIndows Live Messenger, but it still comes up. Help is greatly appreciated!

Windows Live Call- another question:?

It won't delete the program ... It will only block the program and may give you an error message or lock up your PC. I would boot your PC in Safe Mode and delete the program in Safe Mode. I tried to delete MSN Messenger awhile back and I could only do it in safe mode since it told me the program was being used when it wasn't.

I'm not sure about Live Call but it will definitely delete in Safe Mode if you have issues deleting it in regular Widows mode.

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