Saturday, November 28, 2009

Need help for science project? It's about if people can live after death? PLEASE ANSWER!!! NEED

Okay, so my 8th grade class is doing a science fair. If you get first prize in the first round, you get $500 in cash. I want some good information for my science project. My science project is going to be about "Can people live after death? Fact or Fiction?". We have to have the project done by February 20th, 2008. I really need some true and helpful information. I have to compare information from other things too. the only website I found that kind of helps is because I'ts got pictures of ghosts and stories of them too. If your a ghost hunter (colonel25743), PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know the duedate is very far from now, but I want to do a good job on it since I owe my parents money and I'm going on a NYC trip in mid-May. So please, help me out and possibly leave links to websites that will help me with my project.

Need help for science project? It's about if people can live after death? PLEASE ANSWER!!! NEED SERIOUS HELP!!

Have you considered that some people DO live on after death as organ and tissue donors? A project on this subject would definitely raise awareness for this lifesaving cause. I know at your age this is probably something you have never thought about and your classmates either. I can think of many ways you could earn the best project award with this subject and would be willing to help brainstorm it if you like..

When my 15 year old son died accidentally, his demise was the answer to the prayers of 5 families.

Need help for science project? It's about if people can live after death? PLEASE ANSWER!!! NEED SERIOUS HELP!!

Well first of all you need to know it is fiction ... there is no proof for after life. As about websites i don't know ... there is no science site in which to afirm what you mentioned before.

Need help for science project? It's about if people can live after death? PLEASE ANSWER!!! NEED SERIOUS HELP!!

I don't think the question you're asking can be proved by science. If it has, then that would defeat the whole purpose of life. Try picking another science fair question.

Judges like questions that they can relate to and / or use. Maybe do something related to the science of cooking or brain wave activity during sleep (dreaming).

Need help for science project? It's about if people can live after death? PLEASE ANSWER!!! NEED SERIOUS HELP!!

There is a category here on Yahoo Answers that may offer you some advice. Go to Sceince and Mathematics and then Alternative and ask people there for ideas. Best of luck with the project. I don't know if you can come to any conclusion with this project, but it will be interesting.

Need help for science project? It's about if people can live after death? PLEASE ANSWER!!! NEED SERIOUS HELP!!

I'm quite sure the topic you've chosen will result in a poor grade in a Science class.

Ghosts, goblins, spirits etc are not part of science and are ignored by science, since no one has ever presented any real evidence for their existence. You might as well do your Science report on the tooth fairy or the Keebler elf.

If you look up death in the dictionary it will say something about the end of life. After death your are dead forever as far a scientific evidence shows. There is no"true" information available since ghosts only exist in stories.

Perhaps you could write on what scientific evidence it would take to make educated people believe in ghosts.

We study science to understand how Nature works. Spirits and ghosts, if they exist, are not observable by science so your Science teacher won't be too pleased. with your choice of subject.

I suggest you ask you teacher for a scientific topic. Then ask her/him if they could show you an example of an A+ assignment from a previous year. If they give you such a project you'll have a good idea what sort of work your teacher thinks highly of.

Have fun in NYC.

Need help for science project? It's about if people can live after death? PLEASE ANSWER!!! NEED SERIOUS HELP!!

Something which you may not realize is that although the existence of life after death can not be scientifically proved to be true, it also can not be scientifically proved to be false. You might want to investigate a mathematician named Kurt Godel (;f... He is famous for his Incompleteness Theorems. Basically, his theorems show that any self-consistent system of logic more complex than arithmatic will contain truths which can not be proved. The existence of life after death may be one of these unprovable truths.

Need help for science project? It's about if people can live after death? PLEASE ANSWER!!! NEED SERIOUS HELP!!

I've judged two science fairs. The central purpose is to showcase application of the scientific method. We also look for creativity, innovation, and diligence.

I don't see any help for you on that web site. The very existence of the website is heavily slanted toward a particular conclusion. The "evidence" presented is woefully short of controls. Nearly every photo I checked includes a heavy dose of personal interpretation by the reporting party. I see no evidence at all from a control group, no statistical analysis, nothing more than the "novelty effect".

Most of what I see in the photos area would be good for illustrating a textbook chapter on troubleshooting mechanical errors: over half of what I checked is adequately explained as light leaks, shutter problems, and processing errors.

To study this effect, you would need a large population of anecdotes on both sides, including a balanced selection. How much work have you put into searching out information *against* the existence of ghosts? What is your statistical conclusion level: p%26lt;.05 or p%26lt;.01?

You'll need a hypothesis, controlled situations or research, and plenty of double-checking. For instance, identify 100 unexpected deaths in your area between 3 and 5 years ago. Interview the next of kin of each of the deceased, using the same questionnaire. Make sure you separate fact from opinion (but gather both). This stage is merely investigative, but is an important part of your process.

Now, form your hypothesis from the results. Refine your questionnaire, eliminating questions that don't help prove or disprove your hypothesis. Add questions to get more information. Then repeat the experiment with the new questionnaire and a different set of deaths.

Now you have data you can crunch to get a statistical conclusion (or lack thereof). Note that you *cannot* change your hypothesis after you start gathering data -- that's tantamount to circular reasoning. Rather, you keep your observations for "suggestions for future research", but hold to your original hypothesis for the duration of each experiment.

The controls are very important. The typical case I see on the site you list is something like this:

Able suggests that there is a ghost in some area. Baker takes a handy camera there and shoots photos. Charlie processes the photos using an unknown process. One photo has a strange optical artifact. Baker chooses to interpret this artifact as the image of a ghost. Baker claims that several other possible explanations do not fit the situation (in some cases, with contrary evidence in the very photo submitted). Baker offers no conclusions from known technological failures in photographic devices. Nobody else offers a photo from another angle or of comparable issue. In fact, some submitters cite unique results as *positive* evidence of a ghost!

I'm not saying that there is no evidence of this sort of life after death. Personally, I'd like to believe that we can still have some effect on this plane after passing on; I'd be happy to keep helping people after my body becomes useless to me. All I'm saying is that I see very little *scientific* application for the anecdotes and tales on this site.

Go back to your textbook's description of the scientific method, and start from there. Feel free to email me through this site if I can be of any further help -- this would be a huge breakthrough.

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